10 Step-by-Step Braids Tutorials

If you're looking for a neat way to style your hair and keep it out of your face, you can't go wrong with a braid. For many people, though, braids can be difficult to learn. That's why we've put together a helpful go-to guide to make it easier than ever before to have your hair looking like you just left the salon!

What's in Your Edge Control?

I have dreams about achieving a sleek high ponytail like Janet Jackson wore during the State of the World tour, but even after pulling out a tooth brush, gel, edge control, silk scarf, and a prayer and anointing from a southern Baptist auntie, my hair still gets that my-bonnet-slipped-off-last-night frizz. After trying enough edge controls, I started to the think my hair would never get smooth. But then I started to wonder: What’s in this stuff? How can my hair be stiff, greasy, and still frizzy? It is stiff enough that I feel like I have lash glue on my edges, and not only is it bad for my hair, but it dries my scalp, so I end up with stiff, sticky hair with flakes of dry scalp glued in. Not a cute look.