Protective Styling: Why You Should Wear Protective Styles

In this blog, we’ll talk you through all the benefits of protective styling as well as everything you should know about wearing these hairstyles. How long should you keep them in? What kind of protective styles are available? How should you keep your protective style clean?

10 Effective Ways to Keep 4C Hair Moisturized

If you have Type 4 hair, then you’ve been blessed with kinky or coily hair that is naturally dry and spongy in texture. Depending on whether you’re 4A, 4B, or 4C, your curls may be tighter or form more of a zigzag to your scalp.

How to Care for Your Natural Hair This Summer

Both winter and summer weather have their own challenges for natural hair. When you’re preparing for the summer, head to the salon and get your ends trimmed so you can start fresh.

What Are 3C, 4A, 4B and 4C Hair Types?

Today, we’re talking about 3C, 4A, 4B & 4C hair types. These hair types on in the “curly” and “kinky” categories, which means they’re more often than not natural hair. Here’s how you define 3C, 4A, 4B & 4C hair types.

9 Easy Steps to Grow Back Your Thinning Hair Edges

Growing back your thinning hair edges has its challenges. For one, they’re more fragile than the rest of your hair, which can cause them to constantly break. Fortunately, there are some fundamental steps that you can follow to grow back your edges like you never thought possible.

How to Care For Your Curls in the Winter: The Best Hidden Secrets

It’s that time of the year again! You may love the snow angels and winter lights that come with shortened days and cozy nights, but your hair certainly doesn’t. If you’re like most of the women out here rocking your natural curls, then you know that when winter hits, it isn’t easy to maintain them in all their glory. Caring for your curls in the winter becomes quite the task. Here are the best hidden secrets to help you protect one of your greatest assets and put that shine back where it belongs!